Astronomical Study of COVID-19: The rapid disappearance of Coronavirus

Astronomical Study of COVID-19: The rapid disappearance of Coronavirus

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Astronomical Study of COVID-19: The rapid disappearance of Coronavirus. The chaos caused by coronavirus will continue for a while and will disappear immediately thereafter.  This was revealed by an astonishing study by astrologers.

Xander Arik, an expert in astrology explained that using astrological intervention, He was able to understand the future of coronavirus across the world in a surprising manner. His revelation using the astrological horoscope tends to disagree with clinical research about coronavirus.


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Arik further explained that “Coronavirus appeared with so many Capricorn planets. The collective fate is represented by a collective southern node. The symbols of material darkness and prolonged suffering are represented in Capricorn, the planet of gaseous air.” He also shared the same view on an Astrological wellness webpage.

The Astrological house of Capricorn is the 11th. It is the furthering collection of the virus and fear (syndication of fear)”

The Infection-related planet, Neptune, as explained by the expert is housed first of the body. This shows that there are symptoms which will be felt physically.

“The house of money houses the black moon and Chiron, which is the same with Uranus. The problem lies in the collective money and economy disturbance”, He said

The closed-off symbol is the collective protection and healing. This lies together with Cancer in the Northern Node.

He also said that a Cancer star state in America is in a panic state and preparing for the coming disaster. The state has isolated itself from the outside world.

Though He was fascinated to see how this will play out as the energy directed towards the survival and collective attachment. This will result in flight and fight patterns leading the way to fear and more violence. The running out of resources will be the head of everything.

The solution to this pandemic can also be found in Astrology. Aquarius moon is needed to cancel out the nodes. He further explained.

This is because we need to be connecting with each other in our minds and hearts. Isolating and giving ourselves the survival of fittest and going into panic mode is detrimental. Going through this together as one is all we have left in this horrible situation we’ve found ourselves.

The Capricorn Stellium power was used in the spread of coronavirus. Saturn will help us fix the collective with particular reference to the Earth elements.

The Earth elements are money and action misuse throughout the world. Material misuse is not left out.

Arik said, the affinity towards materialism, comfort and laziness is high and this requires tremendous cleansing through the Air element

The earth element is the one that houses the coronavirus. Air element if responsible for the spread of the virus.

He was of the opinion that humans have deviated from natures path and laid more emphasis on material things. This has released the chaotic nature of nature.

This is playing out as the shakeup is seen in the economy.

Uranus is now in the Great Depression as it sits in the second as a result of the chaotic atmosphere.

Astrologer Arik insisted that we have shown a lazy attitude towards change as a “collective”. We as a people have no intention of changing.

Stubbornness, reluctance to change and the strong bond to physically has to be worked on in order to save the “collective”.


Also Read: The 16th-century seer, prophet and Physician Nostradamus who predicted coronavirus 500 years ago


The world materials are not yours and the bond to unhealthy attachments should be freed.

Astronomical Study of COVID-19: The rapid disappearance of Coronavirus

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  1. Astronomical Study of COVID-19: The rapid disappearance of Coronavirus - Dooiz
  2. Coronavirus: The 16th-century Seer, Prophet and Physician Nostradamus who predicted coronavirus 500 years ago - Health Tips Pro

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