Dating: What to do When You Don’t Want It

Dating: What to do When You Don't Want It
Dating: What to do When You Don't Want It

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Dating: What to do When You Don’t Want It. 1 Corinthians chapter 7 verse 4 reads: “In bed or out of bed, Marriage is a decision to serve one another”.

God ordained the Sexual relationship between a man and woman when they are married. Dishonor to God comes when there is a serious failure to serve each other in this intimate way. The important issue remains “What to do when we don’t want it?”.

Here is what you should do when your are not in the mood for love making but your partner is interested.

Don’t get confuse or mistake the Scripture. The Scripture is not saying you can’t “Not Tonight” or “No” or “I’m Not in the mood”, though we have to be careful how we way it and how often we say it. The most vulnerable in this sexual area are men.


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Women are not exempted from this sensitive area, they are equally sensitive but its more in men as they have a higher sensitivity. Men’s have their feeling and masculinity wrapped up in their prowess as a lover, therefore giving a cold response towards your partner and husband hurts His feeling and most times feels rejected emotionally.

It is of upmost importance that women understand men’s vulnerability and know their limits when a man offers Himself to Her.

Times when we the woman feel not in the mood, we should know that there loving and better ways to make Him understand you will be available later or just say “Let me satisfy you for now”. Let’s not forget our bodies are to be given as gifts, God also said so.

Don’t think that our bodies are always ready and eager to make love to our partners, we also get tired. Hormones can be funny when this occurs. Situations can arise when what’s on our minds gives no room for love making, in some cases, our partners irritates us and try to avoid them let alone lay in same bed with them.

The commitment we’ve made to excite our partners and also honor God must be kept and this decisions helps when we are not in the mood for love making.

Emmy mentioned to us how she was at war with Her attitude, though she made up Her mind to honor the commitment she made to Her partner. She explained that, as she drove home, the roads were snowy and beautiful and she was singing in Her heart.

She was filled with joy of being alone as Her husband was out for a church even and kids at grandmothers house for the weekend. The joy of having the empty house to herself was so much as she had series of activities to make Her relax and relieved from stress.

From slipping into a bubble bath while reading a good book to having hot chocolate while dancing.

She went further to say, as she pulled into the garage, she sighted Her husband’s car. She was surprised that He was still at home and have not left for the church program. She was not expecting or prepared for Him or what He had planned.

With His cute and smiling face, He whispered to my ear as He hugged me “I have prepared a long night of love making for us as we have the house to ourselves”. She said, she felt real sad and Her heart sunk, she never expected togetherness, she prepared for a long lonely night to Herself and thoughts.

As all Her happiness varnished for the evening, because Her partner wanted a happy evening of pleasure, she prayed to God to give Her the strength to be able to handle the husband in such a way that He won’t feel said as Her friend was told Her to be lucky that Her husband always find Her appealing and to spend time alone with Her after about 17 years of marriage.

She went further to narrate, after they had dinner, she explained to Her partner how much she loves and adores Him and there is nothing in this world that could ever replace the feeling she had for Him, Her mind was set having a cool bath and reading a book with a hot chocolate, but she will gladly key into His plans as it was something that will help their bond grow stronger.

She narrates how Her husband slept but she couldn’t sleep as she was thinking about what have happened and how beautiful and amazing the love making was and how close and intimate they felt afterwards.

Her plans were cancelled but she has no regret as she made a choice to go ahead with the new plan and made Her partner very happy and She was at peace that she chose to love and prayed some day, She will have an evening of Her own, God’s willing. It was a difficult choice to change Her attitude and it made a very big difference in Her life.

What matters is Attitudes
Most of beautiful sexual relationships are brought to ruins by the lady’s attitudes which are based on poor decisions. Issues like love making, some questions needs to be asked and answered, for example: Am I being selfish to have my way? How will my partner take this? Will it please God?

The decision is never an easy one to get it right. There are numerous advantages when we get the attitude right in such a situation. Loving someone selflessly, we give God the honour and our partners are happy and find it beautiful to engage in love making with ladies. Having a Godly attitudes yields godly actions, giving your husband your body is one of such attitudes and it will be very easier is you have surrendered yourself to God and have allowed His Spirit to take control and work within you. Luke chapter 1 verse 7 says: “Nothing is impossible with God.”

God can give desire, even When you Don’t Want to
God is capable and He will give you the necessary desire where you have none. God will help you filter the wrong thoughts and kept the good and godly thoughts. God will mould you intimacy into a deeper and loving more than you ever thought of.

God Almighty, I make this confession with a pure Heart that I have not appreciated your wonderful gift of love making. I have kept my body from my partner and neglected you. Have mercy on me and forgive me. Give me the grace to be willing and a creative lover. Fill me with the necessary passion and desire for my partner and help my mind off other things and have His attention. My heart and soul I surrender to you and as you work on me and mould me into your desire child.


Dating: What to do When You Don’t Want It

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