Economic Crisis: The way of money saving for the future

Economic Crisis: The way of money saving for the future
Economic Crisis: The way of money saving for the future

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Economic Crisis: The way of money saving for the future. During economic crisis, the way of saving money for the future is a habit to adopt while making family expenses. Permanent tax and food expenses should be set aside at beginning of month, then there is joy till end of month.

It’s advisable to pay in advance for food items like milk so as to aviod daily payment and transfer financial burden to the following month. That is, the advance payment will be a kind of debt for the food supplier.

Also pay at the point of purchase to avoid loan and harrasment due to failure to repay the loan when low on cash. Loan or debt is a naked sword that always hangs over you. Often shopkeepers also give expensive things to borrowers.

Excess spending should be avoided during festivals, and religious ceremonies. A penny of credit is also a form of burden. Celebrate festivals and celebrations in way God has given you.


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Self-control and self-control will help you. Regardless of time in marriage, one should spend according to his status.

Give up faith in pilgrimage, stereotypes, and pleasing fraternity. Similarly, guest service is your religion, but hospitality by taking loans is foolish.

Avoid outdoor tips. Many types of dirty people disguise sage ascetics and take unfair advantage.

Take three long envelopes and write on them (1) Current expenditure rupee (2) Sudden expenditure (3) Relevant expenditure. According to your income, save money separately in these three items.

current expenditure will be maximum, but every month you will have to spend 5-5 percent on both other items. Here we give complete list of three expenses-

Current expenditure – This expenditure will have to be spent every month. It cannot be reduced.

This includes food budget, rental house, children’s fees, servants’ expenses, cost of garments, bicycle expense, insurance policy, cow buffalo expense, interest etc., tax, toilet (oil, soap, hair cutting) Postage, tea, charcoal etc. spices, money, library, water, electricity cost, soap to wash clothes, pocket money to children, loan repayment, tang expense.

Sudden expenditure – In addition to daily permanent expenditure, there are some things which a man has to spend. These expenses suddenly fall on humans.

If we do not have money in this item, then debt can come. This item has following written expenses – sickness, hospitality, suddenly you have to go somewhere, then expenses of that trip, any other objections such as litigation, someone has to pay a loan, or someone dies, their expenses, house collapses.

For repairs etc., expenditure on house is stolen. Apart from this, there are many life accidents, for which you may need Rs.

Relevant expenses and savings-date festivals, banquets, wedding-marriages, donations, trips, celebrations, rituals, jewels, etc.

One should save by dividing his income among these three departments, who do not have remaining money deposited, he will never be able to sleep happily even if it is a little right, it is wise to keep something in head of savings.

Savings and cash should be kept separately. Even if you are hungry for a time, living in a simple dress and house, but you must save some or other.


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